Products tagged with 'нервна система'

AquaSource Organic Algae

AquaSource Organic Algae - 60 Caps

Оптимално хранене чрез Суперхрана* от най-чистия източник

Органичните водорасли на AquaSource имат сертификати за органичен произход от ЕС и от Асоциацията за биодинамично земеделие (BDA - Biodynamic Association). Те са изключително чист и богат източник на основни хранителни вещества, съдържащи над 60% протеин. Богати са на ценния антиоксидант бета каротин, както и на витамин В12. Те са отличен източник на желязо и други важни минерали.

Органичните водорасли на AquaSource са от ПРИРОДАТА, а не синтетично създадени и са напълно смилаеми и високо усвоими. Чудесен хранителен източник и за вегетарианци.

Органичните водорасли на AquaSource са от езерото Горен Кламат. Един от най-пълноценните и ефикасни природни хранителни източници!

90,00 лв.
AquaSource Organic Algae

AquaSource Organic Algae - 120 Caps

Optimal Superfood* Nutrition from the Purest Source

AquaSource Organic Algae has EU and BDA Organic certification. It is an extremely rich and pure source of key nutrients, comprising over 60% protein. It is high in Betacarotene, a valuable antioxidant, as well as Vitamin B12. It is an excellent source of iron and other essential minerals.

AquaSource Organic Algae is from nature – NOT from a synthetic source. It is fully digestible and highly assimilable. A great nutrition source for vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians.

AquaSource Organic Algae is from Upper Klamath Lake. One of the most complete and efficient nutrition sources found in nature!

160,00 лв.
AquaSource Organic Algae Powder - 50g

AquaSource Organic Algae Powder - 50g

Optimal Superfood* Nutrition from the Purest Source

AquaSource Organic Algae has EU and BDA Organic certification. It is an extremely rich and pure source of key nutrients, comprising over 60% protein. It is high in Beta-carotene, a valuable antioxidant, as well as Vitamin B12. It is an excellent source of iron and other essential minerals.

AquaSource Organic Algae is from nature – NOT from a synthetic source. It is fully digestible and highly assimilable. A great nutrition source for vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians.

AquaSource Organic Algae is from Upper Klamath Lake. One of the most complete and efficient nutrition sources found in nature!

195,00 лв.
AquaSource Liquid Algae

AquaSource Liquid Algae - 60ml

With Bilberry & Cranberry extracts

Our AquaSource Algae in liquid form can help ensure you receive its maximum nutritional benefits every day. This Superfood* contains Cranberry and Bilberry extracts, that boost antioxidant benefit even further. Some prefer this liquid form, which is excellent for mental performance and is rapidly absorbed.

It has excellent shelf life and stability after opening. Naturally, there are no synthetic ingredients or chemical preservatives.

89,00 лв.
AquaSource Fatty Acid Complex

AquaSource Fatty Acid Complex - 50ml

Mixed oil blend provides high quality essentials

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for maintaining a healthy heart, joints, skin and many other body functions, including good metabolism. Modern lifestyle doesn’t always permit you to get what you need through food alone.

Our Fatty Acid Complex is a great way to ensure you are receiving proper fatty acid nutrition. Over 98% of the ingredients are organically grown.

52,00 лв.
AquaSource Cell Power

AquaSource Cell Power - 25g

CoQ10 & AquaSource Organic Algae Superfood* in a Fast Absorption Form

If you have trouble ingesting tablets or capsules, AquaSource Cell Power may be the answer! CoQ10 is combined with our own Aquasource Organic Algae in a powder that is absorbed under the tongue. This can be a very efficient means of nutrition delivery.

Also included is vitamin C, powdered beetroot, asparagus, carrot, spinach and orange, providing additional carotenoids and bioflavonoids – all strong antioxidant.

Sugar is deliberately avoided. We include a pleasing blended natural orange flavouring.

44,00 лв.
AquaSource Moon Balance

AquaSource Moon Balance - 60 Caps

Наличен в промоция – При закупуването на промоционален пакет, който съдържа 1 брой AquaSource Остео-Форте 60 капсули + 1 брой AquaSource Муун Баланс 60 капсули + 1 брой AquaSource Флексибилити 60 капсули, ще получите и 1 брой AquaSource Муун Райз 45 g ПОДАРЪК.
Helps support a woman’s well-being during the menopausal time of her life

The unique combination of herbs and nutrients in AquaSource Moon Balance has been optimised to help maintain well-being and vitality when hormone levels fluctuate at a certain age.

Digestive enzymes have also been added to aid maximum absorption. Also added is our own Organic AquaSource Algae Superfood* for additional support.

79,00 лв.
	AquaSource Extra Strength Collagen Plus

AquaSource Extra Strength Collagen Plus - 60 Caps

Наличен в промоция – При закупуването на промоционален пакет, който съдържа 3 броя AquaSource Колаген Плюс 60 капсули ще получите още 1 брой AquaSource Колаген Плюс 60 капсули ПОДАРЪК.
Supporting beautiful skin, shining hair, strong nails and healthy joints at any age.

Our high-quality, VERISOL® natural bovine collagen is combined with HyaluronicAcid, Vitamin C, Zinc and our own AquaSource Algae Superfood to maximise both aesthetic and nutritional benefits.

86,00 лв.
Picture of AquaSource Education Nutritional Pack

AquaSource Education Nutritional Pack

The AquaSource Education Nutritional Pack combines four separate natural nutrition supplements specifically selected to support the physical and cognitive development of children aged 7 to 18 years. This special combination also provides the nutrition needed to support your child’s immune system.
290,00 лв.